My Novel Coming Out On November 30

My Novel, Lana Walked on the Shore, is available for pre-order on Amazon. It will be on sale in both Kindle and paperback.

It’s a very different experience than my blogging, although the source material comes from my years of living in Russia and beyond.

Many of the places, people and scenes described were in some way pulled from my own experiences, though the filtering valve on reality was released to provide a fantastical twist to it all. In some strange way, this is a coded biography of my own life. It’s years of Eurasia experienced by a southern dude inspired by southern gothic. The books and music that shaped me, the streets that made me, the people who came and went, in ways both big and small, they are all here.

As a writer, I’ve always clung more closely to Thomas Wolfe than Hemingway, for better and for worse. But my voice is my voice, and my song’s gotta be my song.

I hope, more than anything, I can make a few people feel what I felt, holed up in the New Laos Paris Hotel, finishing this, listening to Hammock’s Everything and Nothing on repeat before I met the sunset at the Four Junction Vetsara for a beer Laos rendezvous.

The process is the reward. The hope that that great beyond you touch in trying to turn your vista on the world into words, can somehow reflect something others have perhaps seen but never been able to express. And however big or small the audience is for this sort of thing, I do hope I find you, just as all of the writers who shaped my life found me.

Thanks for listening.

William who walked on the shore.